Nomex® Brand Fiber for lightweight corrosion and heat resistance.

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Products and Services
Nomex® Improves Performance and Durability of Automotive Heat Shield

From passenger cars and light trucks to professional racecars, the inherent heat and flame resistance of DuPont™ Nomex® plays an important role in improving the safety and performance of various automotive components.
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Lightweight, Flame and Corrosion Resistant Solutions for Global Aerospace Industry

The global aerospace industry relies on the inherent flame resistance, lightweight strength and durability of DuPont™ Nomex® to help address the stringent safety standards and fuel efficiency requirements of commercial aircraft.
Firefighter apparel; Flame Resistant Clothing; Nomex® Fabric for Military and Police uniforms; Nomex® paper for electrical insulation; automotive heat shield and insulation shields for spark plug leads, Nomex® is also commonly used in other under-the-hood components such as the flexible, high-temperature hoses that feed hot air to inlet manifolds and turbocharger hoses.

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